Electroforming, a process for the production of nickel metal micro-parts
Choose electroforming, also called electro-deposition, for the production of high precision, nickel metal micro-parts.
This method of production provides perfect cutting quality for producing microscopic openings.
With this technique, we can manufacture your metal parts with very complex shapes with very small size openings.
Production of metal parts using the electrodeposition process
Electrodeposition is a galvanic process which allows us to electrolytically deposit and selectively grow layers of pure metal atoms on a resin coated substrate, bearing the image of the parts to produce.
This additive fabrication process with micrometric accuracy, involving the development of metal parts, atom-by-atom for absolute precision and elevated proportions, comes in two variants: by over-growth or a thick resin.
Electroforming, over-growth process
Electrodeposition by over-growth consists of depositing onto a substrate called a matrix, a several µm thin photosensitive resin and allowing growth to continue above its thickness, conferring a very specific, so called “mushroom” profile to the openings in the electrodeposited materials .
The edges of the parts have a pronounced radius of curvature.
Electroforming, thick resin process
Electroforming by thick resin can go up to several hundreds of µ, and is a growth process which will be stopped within the resin walls, producing rectilinear profiles on your metal parts.
Production of metal parts by electrodeposition, characteristics
With such a process, you can increase the precision of your nickel metal parts as well as their tolerance, their profitability and their ability to resist very high temperatures.
Production of metal parts by electrodeposition, advantage compared to other processes
Apart from the low cost of tooling investment (high resolution film or glass mask), electrodeposition has many advantages for the production of precision parts in nickel, such as filtering products or sugar screens, whether for small series or mass production.
Electroforming is a very profitable method for prototyping for small or very large series production.
It is an ideal process for low cost, high volume production.
Electroforming, key advantages
- High dimensional precision
- High opening density
- Perfect edges
- Micrometric holes
- Free and/or complex part profiles
- As desired opening shapes
- Anti-clogging profiles
- Absence of burrs and internal stresses
- Mirror polished surface finish
- High aspect ratio
- Rectilinear or draft angle walls
- Perfect straightness of edge generatrices
- Atom-by-atom additive fabrication process
- High mechanical resistance
- Extended service life
- Ease of cleaning
- Reduced maintenance
Electroforming, for which products
Disque à café
Here are several examples of products produced by the electrodeposition process:
- Sugar screens
- Filtering sieves
- Leadframes
- Nebulizers
- Ink-jet nozzle plates
- Coffee disc and filters
- Stratification plates
- Encoder discs
- Electroformed stencils
- Solar cell stencils
- Throughput discs
- Reticles
- Endoscope parts


Coffee filter
